Monday, January 7, 2008

Jan 7

Take 2.

There has been a lot of recent activity on the "Daily Kos." The most recent entry discusses the aftermath of Fox News not allowing Ron Paul into their republican Forum. It calls the Fox News viewers “suckers.” The fact that a respected liberal blogger has sunken to the level of calling his opponents demeaning names is quite amusing. It seems like a third grader crying for attention. The blog features a video of a mob chasing Sean Hannity down the street chanting "Fox News Sucks!" The blogger is sure to point of that is a conservative mob causing the problem, pointing out that they may look more at home carrying pitchforks and torches.

The entry from the conservative counterpart was equally as interesting. The blogger brings up a recent occurrence where Hilary Clinton was near tears. “Exhausted and facing the prospect of losing the second test of her primary campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton fought back tears…” It is pointed out that this may not show the kind of “strength” that we need in a president. But considering that her life’s goal is slowly slipping through her fingers, I think that a brief moment of emotion is in order. The blogger then attacks those who defend Hillary, by calling it an underhanded and staged human moment. The author also seems to be as close minded as his liberal counterpart, seeing only what he wants to see. Every true human emotion has now been degraded to a desperate grab for more votes. Both sides see attacks from the other in everything.

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