Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jan 8

All Things Conservative's latest post discuses the holding of illegal immigrants for court dates. The blogger argues that as everyone knows, the reason the immigrants are held is because otherwise they wouldn’t show up for court. To me, this actually makes sense. If an illegal immigrant is caught and given a court date, they are basically told, “Come back on this day so we can deport you.” Why would they go back? Honestly, I don’t think I would. The blogger prescribes: “Deport them and make them fight their immigration case from their home...their real home.” This may actually work. Contrary to belief, the US economy will not collapse if we deport all the illegals (as see in “A Day Without a Mexican”)

The Daily Kos, reams on the Clinton campaign for complain about unfair treatment by the media. He points out the Clinton campaign has had every advantage in the 2008 election. But the part I find most interesting is where the blogger asks: “Does this sort of whining ever work?” To me, it seems that that is all that this particular blogger does anyway. It seems to be just one long complaint about anything and everything. I am curious what the blogger would say about his own blog if he read it objectively.


DiverDan said...

The other day at the January series a lady ( i forget her name) talked about illegal immigrants coming from south america into the states and how hard of a journey it is to make it... so i think your rigth that there not gonna be showing up... But maybe an alternative to holding them captive would be to stop them from coming... i know this is easier said than done but a way to maybe go about doing this is to make their home country more desirable...so they dont have a reason to leave in the first place... this was one argument the lady talked about

Bethany said...

I agree that in order to make sure the refugees come to court, we hold them until then. I know that if I was in such a situation, I would be terrified and afraid to go to court. Along with what "diverdan" said, I too was at the January Series and learned more about immigrants difficult journeys north. It would be insane to think that once someone got here, they would want to/come back for a court date-all to determine if they must be sent home. We should continue doing this until we find a solution to immigration.

Caitlin.mcgill said...

Of course they will not come back to court if they are asked to. In one sense I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but then I have to remind myself that they are not legal citizens, therefore they have not earned the same rights as legal immigrants and other US citizens. The journey might be hard and, yes, they do help our economy to some extent, but we have to draw a line somewhere.

Holly said...

Instead of giving them a court date and spending tax dollars to hold them, they should just be deported right away. Yes, they can fight it from their original homeland.

Sean said...

I agree, we should be be trying to help these people, not just kicking them out of the country. Caitlin said that we should draw the line somewhere, but we already have that line. It's called the border. When an immagrant crosses that line illeagaly, they don't have the same rights as a citizen. No matter how hard the struggled to get here, they don't get those same rights. I'm not trying to say that we should just kick them out and forget about them, we should try to help them; but we can't spend tax dollars to harbor illegal immagrants.