Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jan 4

I've decided to follow "All things Conservative," a decidedly conservative blog, and the political opposite, the liberal "daily kos."

The most recent post in the “Daily Kos” discusses the comments recently made by Sen. McCain. John McCain's spoke at the Adams Memorial Opera House in Derry, New Hampshire, last Thursday. The blogger gives a transcript that overly emphasizes the extent to which McCain interrupted the questioner. McCain suggests that American troops should stay in Iraq for 100 years. Without giving McCain a chance to respond, the blogger quickly tears apart his comments. He calls attention to different examples throughout history that don’t even seem to apply in this situation. The politics of the world have changed so greatly in the past 30 years that these tactics seem outdated and need to be changed. He later calls the idea of a "pax Americana" ridiculous.

The conservative blog was about the oil exploration in Alaska. He claims that America must rid itself of foreign oil dependence and responds to comments made by John Kerry about the ability of the US to achieve this goal. He calls attention to democrats who call for change but when it actually happens, they quickly condemn it. Democrats are made out constantly block progress, playing both sides of every debate.


DiverDan said...

The whole oil dependancy issue is turning into a very sticky situtaion.. we say we need to rid ourselves of foriegn oil dependacy but havnt really taken any huge steps toward this goal... the more we go without change the deeper we dig ourselves into the pit.. so when we run out of oil its gonna be hard to get back out.. i was wondering what kind of alternatives your blogger thinks we should act upon....

Sean said...

I agree, it is not an easy issue by any means. Im not sure I know enough about this topic to comment though. You can find the original post at: